【印尼与英伟达携手Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison投资2亿美元建设AI开发中心】据界面新闻报道,印尼政府宣布,全球知名科技公司英伟达(NVIDIA)将与印尼电信巨头Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison共同投资2亿美元,在印尼梭罗市打造一座名为“Indonesia AI Nation”的人工智能开发中心。这一重大举措由印尼通讯与信息部长布迪·阿里·塞蒂亚迪于4月4日正式公布。

据悉,该开发中心的建设旨在推动印尼的科技创新和数字化转型,提升国家在人工智能领域的研究与应用能力。英伟达与Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison的强强联合,将结合先进的AI技术与广泛的电信网络资源,为印尼的教育、医疗、交通等多个行业提供智能化解决方案。

“Indonesia AI Nation”项目预计今年启动,其建成将吸引国内外AI领域的专业人才,促进印尼的就业市场和经济多元化发展。同时,该项目也将加强印尼在全球AI竞赛中的地位,为东南亚地区的数字化进程注入新的活力。印尼政府对此表示高度期待,认为这将是印尼科技发展史上的重要里程碑。


**News Title**: “NVIDIA Joins Forces with Indonesian Telecom Giant for $200M Solo AI Innovation Hub”

**Keywords**: NVIDIA, Indonesian AI Center, $200 million investment

**News Content**: According to Jiemian News, the Indonesian government has announced that global tech powerhouse NVIDIA will collaborate with Indonesian telecommunications major Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison to invest $200 million in building an artificial intelligence (AI) development center in Solo, Indonesia, named “Indonesia AI Nation.” The significant endeavor was officially unveiled by Indonesia’s Minister of Communications and Informatics, Budi阿里Setiyadi, on April 4.

The construction of this center aims to propel Indonesia’s technological innovation and digital transformation, enhancing the country’s research and application capabilities in the AI domain. The partnership between NVIDIA and Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison combines advanced AI technology with extensive telecom network resources, offering intelligent solutions to sectors such as education, healthcare, and transportation in Indonesia.

Scheduled to commence this year, the “Indonesia AI Nation” project is anticipated to attract AI professionals from both within and outside the country, fostering job growth and economic diversification. Moreover, it will reinforce Indonesia’s position in the global AI race, injecting new momentum into the digitalization process across Southeast Asia. The Indonesian government expresses high expectations, considering it a pivotal milestone in the nation’s technological development history.


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