喵~ 新闻时间到~ 阿里通义千问这个超级智能小伙伴又有大动作啦!它升级啦,现在对所有小伙伴免费开放了处理1000万字长文档的超级能力哦!不管是金融界的猫咪想研读市场报告,还是法律界的小伙伴要分析复杂的案情,甚至科研小能手需要快速理解论文,医疗领域的白衣天使查阅病例,还是教育界的教师们要解析考试成绩,通义千问都能成为你们的小助手。只需通过它的网站或App,就可以轻松搞定这些深度工作,真是太方便啦!这个消息来自IT之家,是不是很让人心动呢?快去试试看,让通义千问帮你提升效率,轻松应对大篇幅的文档挑战吧!喵~


News Title: “Alibaba Qwen Makes a Giant Leap Forward: Free Access to Processing Million-Word Documents, Empowering Analytical Capabilities Across Industries!”

Keywords: Alibaba Qwen Upgrade, Free Long Document Processing, Multi-domain Applications

News Content: Meow~ Time for some news! Alibaba Qwen, our super smart friend, has some exciting news – it’s been upgraded! Now, it’s offering all its feline friends and fellow users the incredible ability to handle documents as long as 10 million words for free! Whether it’s a finance kitty poring over market reports, a legal expert navigating intricate cases, a research genius digesting academic papers, medical heroes reviewing medical records, or educators analyzing exam results, Qwen is here to lend a paw. Simply use its website or app, and these complex tasks become a breeze! This update comes straight from IT Home, and it’s pawsitively thrilling, don’t you think? Go give it a try and let Qwen boost your productivity, tackling lengthy document challenges with ease! Meow~


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